Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Alcohol Sales Plummet [Recession]

Interesting, I would have predicted alcohol would be static at a minimum, if not growing. I had heard about the Vice Fund which invests in Alcohol, Gambling, Porn etc. and does well in bad times when people are feeling down or desperate.

People still want/need to have fun, just cheaper. Movie theaters are out, Netflix is in: cheaper, no gas, more choice. I would think bars would be out and bottles at home would be in too, guess not?


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via Consumerist by Chris Walters on 2/24/09

What's up, beer drinkers of America? Bloomberg notes that "take-out sales of alcoholic beverages tumbled 9.3 percent in the fourth quarter, the steepest drop since the U.S. Commerce Department started compiling data half a century ago," and a drop four times greater than the overall fall in consumer spending. Most of that was due to the 14 percent drop in beer sales.

The website fivethirtyeight.com posted this chart last week, and although the scale sort of dramatizes the extent of the drop, it's still clear that in the past 40 years alcohol sales have never fallen more than 4%.

Fivethirtyeight suspects it's a type of conspicuous nonconsumption:
a manifestation of Calvinist guilt over both the present failures of the economy and its prior excesses. A deliberate effort to deny oneself pleasure.

We wouldn't know, because we're still buying beer like it's 2006.

"U.S. Consumers Driven Away From Drink Spending: Chart of Day " [Bloomberg]
"Beer No Longer Recession-Proof"
(Photo: a4gpa; chart: fivethirtyeight.com)


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